even though this would be scary but also rewarding to see how other people see your sense of style I have had my custom shape and skin for almost a year now and as part of attending Avenue to complete a model course we had to learn to make our shape unique to stand out a little more I decided to go the whole Nine Yards! and change not only my shape alot but also my skin I of course love it, it took me ages lol but personally I really wanna know your opinion let me know what you think which shape and skin you prefer below by taking my poll.Click the link at the bottom of the photo's.
Please Keep In Mind I model so of course my shape is not for everyone.
Also Please remember I didnt take the first shots but I did take the second ones and of course Iam not entirely wearing the exact same items. And the second shots are barely Photoshoped.
The First two are my First Shape and Skin and the Bottom Two the New ones.
This Is the first poll I have run to let me know in coments if you like it and if you want to see more?