Monday, 1 July 2013

I Say GoodBye!!

This is such a hard post for me to write but I feel I should. After much questioning and heartache and deep thought I have decided to close my sim and Russh Lussh store inworld I also will be leaving secondlife I not sure for how long but this is due to a number of rl Medical Emergencies that have come up and that need my full attention. This is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do closing down after putting in so much effort, time and soul in my russh lussh store build and sim this may not be the end I hope, but right now its the best thing for me to do. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors and may you remain unique and true to yourself :)
Huggles Nakia Decosta


  1. Omg, Nakia, I will miss you so much, I hope everything will be fine in this medical emergency, I hope the best for your life and i wish one day to see you back in secondlife

    hugs and love Celena Galli

  2. Aww Cel I will miss you alot to and thankyou for your kind words Best of luck to you babes and your wonderful future :) I hope to see you again huggles




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